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A chart of Ptolemaic Atronomy
Original Keep Calm and Carry On poster 1939.jpg
Publicly-displayed poster from 1939, designed by the UK government in order to quell fears of WW2
Woodstock Poster 1969.jpg
Promotional poster for the Woodstock music festival, 1969
The Danish Girl film poster.jpg
Promotional poster for the film, "The Danish Girl"
fortune telling page.jpeg
A Treatise on Fortune Telling is a manuscript that dates prior to the 19th century, and served as a guide for fortune tellers.
newspaper image.jpg
This is the front page of The New York Times the day after President Obama was elected in 2008.
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The New York Times included a picture of the Titanic sinking in order to enhancing the meaning of the story written.
"Manuscript consisting of 42 partial lines of text from the Iliad on the recto, and on the verso words from ca. 20 lines of a dated account give an approximate terminus ad quem for the recto.
Fragment from a papyrus roll."
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@tupwanders on Flickr
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